Recommended Apps
Highly Recommended Apps
30 Hands - digital storyteller Adobe Reader - document reader Canva - collage maker Digital Compass Educreation - digital storyteller Edmodo - student learning community 2 Exploratorium apps - Sound and Color Uncovered Find My iPhone - device retrieval Google Search Google Classroom Google Drive - cloud document creator and storage Google Doc Google Sheets Google Slides Haiku Deck - slideshow creator iBooks iMotion HD - stop motion video iTunes U MyHomework Planner MyScript Calculator Pic Collage - photo editing Phonto - photo editing Quizlet - flash cards |
Other suggested apps
Box - cloud storage Doceri - digital storyteller similar to educreation Doodle Buddy - whiteboard app Dropbox - cloud storage Hopscotch - Coding News360 - news feed Notability - notetaking (paid app) Pixel Press Floors - game creation tool Podcast - audio and video news and information feed ScreenChomp - digital storyteller If you purchased a new iPad after September 1, 2013, you may download the following 6 Apple apps for free. |
*Recommended educational apps are free unless specified as a paid app.