Trimester Progress Reports and Report Cards
Progress reports and report cards are issued in Transitional Kindergarten through eighth grade three times a year.
Progress Reports
Parents should review and discuss the child’s progress with the child. Emphasis should be placed on effort, conduct and home study as reasons for success or lack of success in school subjects.
Report Cards
The report card, if it is to be an integral part of the educational process, has several important functions:To inform the parent/guardian about student progress.
Progress Reports
Parents should review and discuss the child’s progress with the child. Emphasis should be placed on effort, conduct and home study as reasons for success or lack of success in school subjects.
- TK-3 teachers will contact parents directly if student improvement is needed.
- Printed progress reports are provided for students in grades 4-5.
- The Parent Portal will be opened in the middle of each trimester for students in grades 6-8 to allow parents to view their child’s progress.
Report Cards
The report card, if it is to be an integral part of the educational process, has several important functions:To inform the parent/guardian about student progress.
- To motivate the student
- To assist the teacher in assessing student needs
- To record student achievement
- Students who receive First or Second Honors will be recognized by the school
Grading Scale
Behavioral Expectations and Learning Skills
for all Grades 1 = Exceeds expectations 2 = Meets expectations 3 = Improvement needed 4 = Unsatisfactory |
E= Exceeds standard M = Meets standard W = Working toward standard N = Not at grade level standard / = Standard not addressed during current marking period |
Grades 3-8
A = 93-100 A- = 90-92 B+ = 87-89 B = 83-86 B- = 80-82 C+ = 77-79 C = 73-76 C- = 70-72 D+ = 67-69 D = 63-66 D- = 60-62 I = 59 or below |
Co-Curricular - Art, PE, Music, and Tech
P = Participates NP = Does not participate |